Win a new Car!Welcome to our Brand New Game of Skill Competitions with Prizes Website. Special Start Up offer! Play our latest 100 numbers only game Winner Takes All £200 Cash. entry fee only £2! What have you got to lose?

Press on the Competitions box above to see our Current “Games in live play” Prize draws.

We offer Realistic Priced competitions with Fantastic Prizes.

Similar to a football card! Once all the numbers in the prize draw have been allocated the last number entered generates the Computer Random Winning number! Everyone who is entered in any of our prize draws has an Equal Chance of winning the main prize.

New players please play our 49 number games to get the feel of the game, before playing in the bigger prize draws.

All games are similar in nature to any General Knowledge Quiz game you may see on the TV or play in a Pub quiz! Which are classed as “Games of skill”. With topics ranging from Sports, Music, History, Geography, Food and General Knowledge.

Pay to Play! get One multiple choice a) b) or c) answer correct from one  of five questions and enter your number into the prize draw.

How to Play!
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